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However, it might not be the update those seeking to jailbreak were hoping for. Instead of releasing a jailbreak for iOS 8.2 during MSS, TaiG opted to hold off, waiting for iOS 8.3 and releasing an official statement though convoluted, it essentially confirms what we’ve stated on Evasi0n Jailbreak for the past three weeks.

Unforunately, although nothing has changed on that front (the latest jailbreak 8.2 overview status can be found on our latest coverage), TaiG updated their site to reflect additional insight of MSS 2015 - the Mobile Security Summit the group hosted in Beijing that a number of key and influential jailbreakers both attended and spoke at. IOS 8.2 Jailbreak for iOS 8.3 Slated and TaiG Update’s The Team’s Site - While the public has yet to receive a new jailbreak solution for iOS 8.2, we’re continually bombarded with questions pertaining to whether users can jailbreak iOS 8.2 and, considering they can’t currently, when they can expect to. For additional details on a possible Apple Watch and iOS 8.2 and up jailbreak, make the jump past the break! Read more However, before we begin to contemplate the wonders of an Apple Watch jailbreak, we must first have one very crucial component or else such a feat won’t be possible: a new iOS 8.3 or iOS 8.2 Untethered jailbreak. While the Apple Watch may function on other devices in light of a new iOS 8.2 and up jailbreak, we’re starting to get ahead of ourselves, one of the devices from the aforementioned list of iPhone models will be required for the device to fully function at launch - it will be available for pre-order later this week on Friday, April 10 th. First however, for those of you who don’t know, the Apple Watch requires owning one of the following iPhone models on the public build of iOS 8.2 or later (iOS 8.3 beta 3 and beyond) - the iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 or the iPhone 6 Plus. Beyond questions pertaining to a jailbreak for iOS 8.2, we wanted to address another topic that a number of our readers have pondered: the Apple Watch and whether the device will receive a jailbreak of its own. Jailbreak Apple Watch: We Need an iOS 8.2 or 8.3 Jailbreak, Here’s Why - The jailbreak community has an exciting chapter ahead of it - in addition to expecting a new post 8.2 jailbreak utility, the highly-anticipated Apple Watch is slated for release later this month on April 24 th, 2015.